

Gibberish by Zayury
Pictures by Zayury

Another long day.... It never changed. Wake up alone...shower, dress, maybe a quick coffee, and out the door. All day at a meaningless job...then here.... A few drinks later go back to the loneliness.... Sometimes not alone but always lonely.... The woman looked around the bar, she avoided eye contact. She didn't want to be bothered with small talk, she just wanted to drink...

To her surprise a little girl jumped on the barstool next to her, and greeted her. "Hi!"

"Well, hello! Aren't you a little young to be here?"

"It's okay they can't see me!"

"Really?! Okay, if you say so! Where are your parents?

"They're busy right now."

"I see...."

"Where are your parents?"

"Well...my mom passed away a few years ago..."

"That's so sad... What about your dad?"

"Don't know...don't care."

"That's strange?! I love both my parents! I love my daddy a lot! I just don't get a chance to see him much...he travels a lot."

"Oh... I bet that's hard."

"Yes, I miss him when he's gone. He is so handsom, and funny!"

"Once when he came back from one of his trips, he went to pick me up at school, and all my friends were so jealous! He looked so handsome in his beautiful new red car!"

"Must be nice...to feel that for your dad..."

"Doesn't everyone love their dad?"

"No little one, not everyone does."

"I love mine a lot! I feel so safe when he holds me! Some of my friends don't have a daddy...I feel so sad for them, but I'm happy that I have a daddy!"

"I'm glad for you little one. I just don't understand those feelings. I can't relate to feeling anything for a father."

"You did once...."

"Excuse me?!"

"You loved your daddy once didn't you? When you were a little girl?"

"I don't remember being a little girl.... All I remember is pain, disgust, and fear...."

"It's that why you don't remember me?"

"What? Little one, I've never met you! You better go home now you might get in trouble if they see you here. Besides I'm getting ready to leave."

"Wait, you do know me.... I'm..."

"No I don't! You are a very sweet and nice little girl, I'm sure I would remember if I had ever met you... I'm sorry, but I think you are confused."

"You do..."

"I don't know you! We have never met! Good-bye little one!"

"You do know me.... I'm you..."

copyright 2007-2008 ZAYURY


Zayury 20/11/08 4:10 PM  

Leah 10/2/08 5:24 PM
That's soooo sad...
Orig posted 1/28/08 6:33 PM

Astral Faery 10/2/08 5:27 PM
Zayury - I think you have plenty of writing potential. And you've already got the gorgeous pic part of it down. Your sims are just beautiful, so pleasant to look at. I liked this, and I hope you plan to do more.
Orig posted 1/29/08 11:49 AM

sweetcharming 10/2/08 5:28 PM
Beautiful short story, but also very sad... wonderfully done, the pics and the text are great, you are really an awesome artist. Well done:)
Orig posted 1/30/08 8:13 AM

drewsoltesz 10/2/08 5:28 PM
Wonderful, touching and moving, you are to be commended mate! And the pica as always, stunning!!
Orig posted 1/30/08 9:21 AM

ZAYURY 10/2/08 5:29 PM
Wow! My dear friends, I'm surprised anyone understood my gibberish, lol! :D Thank-you for your very sweet and kind comments! :)
Orig posted 1/30/08 9:59 AM

Gayl 10/2/08 5:29 PM
This was stunning! Of course I can never say enough about your wonderful pictures but this was a very touching story. Great job!
Orig posted 1/31/08 1:08 AM

Beth 10/2/08 5:30 PM
Heartwrenching -- very well written; you have a unique voice.

And the pictures are, as usual, beautiful and perfectly posed! I really like this!
Orig posted 2/1/08 7:21 AM

ZAYURY 10/2/08 5:31 PM
Dear Gayl and Beth, thank-you very much for the positive feedback and the wonderful comments! I really do appreciate it, again THANKS! :)
Orig posted 2/1/08 10:34 PM

Ophelia 10/2/08 5:32 PM
You never stop surpricing me! I already knew you were a good writer cos I've seen a few stories you've done before, and of course you're amazing picturetaking-skills. But I didn't really know you where that good at writing shortstories, there's a lot of information to compress and then to not make it seem rushed is very hard. I thik you're very good at holding the suspence and not revealing yourself to early.

Keep it up, looking forward to more Gibberish! I love those little things that makes you work you brain like a little puzzle...
Orig posted 2/2/08 4:46 AM

sandy 10/2/08 5:32 PM
Wow, such powerful writing, really sad...
Is really sad to see how we forget important things as we get older, as the pain and suffering get to us we forget about all the nice persons and things in our life... I wonder what happened to her :(

Great writing! and what else can I say about your pictures? Breathtaking, beautiful and powerful pictures!

Great job my friend, and that last shot, so moving!
Orig posted 2/2/08 9:43 AM

ZAYURY 10/2/08 5:33 PM
Dear Ophelia and Sandy, your beautiful comments really touched me... I was a little aprehensive about how this was going to be received. I am quite aware of my limitations, and even though I would never consider myself a 'writer' I thank-you for your kind words! :wub: I have a lot of things going around in my head...they might not make a lot of sense to some people, but maybe some would understand...that's why I call it gibberish, lol! :D
Thank-you my friends, your support is deeply appreciated! :wub:
Orig posted 2/2/08 11:39 AM

chardonnay 10/2/08 5:39 PM
I think this was a marvelous piece. So sad and so to the point. And your piccies make it even more wonderful!

I believe you are more of a writer than you think. But only time will prove that to you. So please, do continue and discover exactly what you can do.

Such a pretty little girl...

Keep it up!!! And I can't wait to read more of your gibberish....
Orig posted 2/13/08 7:09 PM

ZAYURY 10/2/08 5:40 PM
Chardonnay, thank-you my friend, that means a lot to me! :wub:
Orig posted 2/14/08 2:07 PM

DarkBorder 10/2/08 5:40 PM
So sad. Beautiful story.
Orig posted 2/15/08 5:26 AM

ZAYURY 10/2/08 5:41 PM
Dear Dark, thank-you very much for taking the time to read it! I appreciate your support! :)
Orig posted 2/16/08 12:49 AM

Nyell 10/2/08 5:42 PM
This is so sad and beautiful at the same time. The story is deeply touching and your photos are amazing as always. Truly powerful.
I can't wait to read more of your stuff :)
Keep up!
Orig posted 2/20/08 7:53 AM

ZAYURY 10/2/08 5:43 PM
Dear Nyell, how nice to hear from you, thank-you for the very sweet comment! :) I'm thrilled to have you visit my new blog! I hope you enjoy the future gibberish I will be posting here, lol! ;P
Orig posted 2/21/08 3:20 AM

Eve 10/2/08 5:44 PM
Beautifully written and illustrated, not that I'm surprised!

I love ya and miss you my friend!!!
Orig posted 3/4/08 1:12 PM

ZAYURY 10/2/08 5:44 PM
My dear sweet Eve, what a pleasant surprise to find your comment! Thank-you my dear friend, I MISS YOU TOO!!! :wub: :wub:
Orig posted 3/4/08 6:26 PM

scarlet_white 10/2/08 5:45 PM
I just read this piece and from the title to the straightforwardsness it is very well carried out and visually impressive, the adult self seems so distant and unemotional and the little girl so warm and interesed in he, there is a part where the adult seems to be annoyed and is leaning her hand to her head that really fits, it is nice to read something more serious of you, and see you also have a taste for drama, anyway it is a good little piece and I am already appretiating your straightforward, visually rich style.
Orig posted 3/5/08 2:32 AM

ZAYURY 10/2/08 5:46 PM
Dear Pablo, I'm very happy to see that you caught what I was trying to portray with this piece! :) Thank-you for taking the time to read it and for leaving such a wonderful comment! :)
Orig posted 3/5/08 1:40 PM

cheripye 11/9/08 11:39 PM
I am literally in tears! 80)
So very true and heart wrenching! In attempt to heal one will do most anything, including hiding away the pain. 80)

Beautiful descriptions, wonderful screens and such an emotional value! 80) my dear sister you've done it again!!!

ZAYURY 11/10/08 1:47 AM
My dear, dear Cherie, I'm sorry for those little innocent girls that will forever be forgotten... Thank-you my sister for your caring words and your encouragement! :wub:

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